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About the App

ImSafeNow is your dedicated companion in the pursuit of a secure and fulfilling life. Because when you’re safe, you’re free to live to the fullest.

Join us on this transformative journey. Embrace the change where every alert is a step towards safety, and every interaction is a stride towards well-being.

ImSafeNow – because safety should always come with a smile.

The platform assembles a socially networked “Community of Helpers” and Certified Counselors ready to assist when called upon

  • Phone-based software App communicates for help
  • Voice activated to call for help
  • Track your mental well being 
  • Receive Regular Updates

Happiness Tracker

A unique feature that allows users to monitor their emotional well-being over time. This tool will enable users to track their mood patterns, identify triggers, and seek timely intervention.

Interactive Forum

A safe, moderated space where users can engage in conversations, share experiences, and seek support. This forum is designed to combat loneliness and foster a sense of belonging and community.

Personal Safety Tools

Features that enhance physical safety, such as location sharing with trusted contacts, emergency alerts, and safety tips tailored to the user’s environment.

Mental Health Resources

Access to mental health tips, exercises, and professional support, customized to suit individual needs.


A unique feature that allows users to monitor their emotional well-being over time. This tool will enable users to track their mood patterns, identify triggers, and seek timely intervention.

Interactive Forum

A Safe, Moderated Space Where Users Can Engage In Conversations, Share Experiences, And Seek Support. This Forum Is Designed To Combat Loneliness And Foster A Sense Of Belonging And Community.

Personal Safety Tools

Features That Enhance Physical Safety, Such As Location Sharing With Trusted Contacts, Emergency Alerts, And Safety Tips Tailored To The User’s Environment.

Mental Health Resources

Access To Mental Health Tips, Exercises, And Professional Support, Customized To Suit Individual Needs.